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Wow time flies - 2018 in our sights now! Happy Holidays.

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It's always a time of reflection when December arrives. Looking back over the past year of 2017 we realize how grateful we are at Teckelklub to always hear from our loyal customers, their compliments and suggestions are always welcome. As a small business with a mission to stay local and made in Canada we always have our sights on how to do better. The reasons we believe in manufacturing quality in Canada have always remained the same:

"Opting for locally-made goods pumps and re-circulates money in our society — whereas buying from a big-box store drains money as it’s outsourced to other places. Locally-made products also benefit the environment by reducing our carbon footprint. Internationally-manufactured products may travel through several manufacturers during the process, consuming fuels and emitting poisonous materials before they finally arrive in stores." http://www.queensjournal.ca/story/2016-01-11/edito...

In 2017 we have been fortunate to work with many dog blogs who have become good friends to Teckelklub. Thank you to The Sarcastic Dog https://sarcasticdog.com for allowing us to hang out at the hydrant with the crew!

Special thanks to The Broke Dog for outfitting Henry in our gear https://www.thebrokedog.com

It's been a blast coordinating with A Dog Walks into a Bar for all things dog and brew related - can't get enough of Yoda and Bean https://www.adogwalksintoabar.com

We've truly enjoy the adventures of You Did What with Your Wiener following Gretel and Chester in the Pacific Northwest beauty https://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com

Wishing all our friends around the globe Happy Holidays and wishes for a wonderful 2018! Cheers.

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